In a recent post, we here at Spencer Calahan Injury Attorneys discussed several staggering texting while driving statistics. While these statistics are jaw-dropping, in many cases, they do nothing to help solve the problem other than confirm what we already knew: Texting while driving is a deadly habit that too many Americans fail to take seriously enough to stop doing it or stop someone else from doing it. In order to evoke real change, we must take the facts that tell us there’s a nationwide epidemic and do something with them other than just recite them. When the rubber meets the road, how do we take what we know and start saving lives with it?
More specifically, how do we tell the driver of a car we’re in to put their phone down and concentrate on the road. Well, basically, at that moment, the message is more important than the delivery. It’s okay to let the driver of a car you’re in know that you are uncomfortable with what he or she is doing. However, something that often works without offending is to simply offer to type the text for the driver, with a low-key, “Can I type that in for you?” Even if they don’t accept your offer, you’ve let them know that you’re not comfortable with texting and driving. This action alone makes them less likely to continue to text and drive with you in the car. Some people are afraid to say anything because they don’t want to offend the person and possibly lose a friend. Our philosophy is that we would rather lose a friend this way than in an auto accident that claims a life.
That’s the worst way to lose a friend.